First of all, Thanks. :)

So, I wanted to first thank everyone who has encouraged me in my writing on Facebook over the years. Your support and kindness has meant more to me than I can say and I am so thankful that you enjoy my writing. Especially considering how silly usually it is. 🙂 So, anyway, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I certainly never would have started a blog without your encouragement. You are all wonderful.

Now, to the task at hand. This morning I had baby boy all set up underneath his friend Zebra hanging from the criss-crossed bars of his activity playmat for his morning diaper change. I was giving him some time to ‘air dry’ and feel the glorious freedom a diaperless baby so much enjoys. His new pajamas were set off to his right about a foot maybe, when a glorious arc of clear liquid shot ip into the air and directly onto his (formerly) clean change of clothes.

Now, I must say I largely find this impressive not only due to the mesmerizing nature of flying water, but also the sheer fact that he managed to hit the one thing within his urinary reach that he knew I would need shortly and that would end his coveted naked bottom time. Clever boy. 😉 So, I go to his room and get a new pair of pajamas from his dresser and head back out to finish the job. He’s peed once already now, so he should be good, right? As I am placing a new diaper underneath him, another glimmering stream of baby water comes flowing up and then down again…onto my pants.

That isn’t apple juice. Y’all. Side note, these sweat pants were also (formerly) newly washed and as been put on for their first post-wash wearing not more than 15 minutes prior. This time, he was out for revenge. Wetting his own clothes wasn’t good enough this time, he wanted to hit me where it hurt. In the knee. With his bladder fountain. This time, since no essential clothing items were moistened in his second liquid assault, I went ahead and got his sprayer locked down so as to avoid any further pee-based attacks.

Then I went and put on my back up round-the-house pants, the ones with the holes in the rear end that I have to make very sure to never leave the house in, or I may incur more pity that I typically receive carting my two tiny humans around, and went on to the next glamorous mothering task that was needed. I obviously don’t remember what that was because it was almost 7 hours ago and my brain no longer functions as a brain properly should, but I am sure it was something magnificent and most importantly, that I didn’t get wet. 😉

Author: jmackinder

I am a stay at home mom who enjoys writing and trying to make people laugh.

11 thoughts on “First of all, Thanks. :)”

  1. This is brilliant – fantastic post!
    As for rules regarding blogging, there are none. As long as you’re blogging for yourself, you can’t really go too far wrong.
    I hope you maintain this type of content because it certainly brightens peoples day right up, which is what a lot of us are here to achieve. Keep at it!

    Liked by 1 person

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